Quantum MultiScale Virtual Machine
The school exploits a virtual machine based on Ubuntu 18.04.LTS, with the following pre-installed tools:
- Quantum Espresso (www.quantum-espresso.org)
- PAOFLOW (www.aflowlib.org/src/paoflow)
- Environ (www.quantum-environ.org)
- QEpy and eDFTpy (edftpy.rutgers.edu)
- Vesta (jp-minerals.org/vesta)
- username: qms-user
- password: multiscale
The tutorials are accessible to the students via GitHub Classroom. Each student has their own Git repository for each of the school tutorials. In order to access the assignments, students need to create a free GitHub account.
A pre-tutorial on how to use Git and GitHub is also available.
A pre-tutorial on how to use Git and GitHub is also available.
The presentation material is included in the GitHub repositories posted above and attached in the following links.
Keynote speakers presentations
The slides of the talk of the three key note speakers. Links to the recordings are provided below.
School Recordings
The Q-MS School 2021 was delivered in a hybrid format, with both in person and remote (Zoom) participants. The zoom recordings of all lectures and tutorials can be found in the following links:
- Lecture 1: Fundamentals of Density Functional Theory (D. Donadio)
- Tutorial 1: Simulations with Quantum Espresso (D. Donadio)
- Seminar 1: Light-Matter Interactions in Aqueous Systems: Insights from Molecular Modeling (D. Donadio)
- Lecture 2: Post-Processing for Materials Properties (M. Buongiorno Nardelli)
- Tutorial 2: Advanced QE Simulations and PAOFLOW (M. Buongiorno Nardelli)
- Lecture 3: Continuum Models of Solvation (O. Andreussi)
- Tutorial 3: Simulations with Environ (O. Andreussi)
- Seminar 2: A quantum multiscale modeling of light-induced biological function: dream or reality? (B. Mennucci)
- Lecture/Tutorial 4: Environ for Spectra (F. Bononi)
- Lecture/Tutorial 4: Electrified Interfaces (O. Andreussi)
- Lecture 5: Quantum Embedding Electronic Structure Methods (M. Pavanello)
- Tutorial 5: Basic Workflows with QE in Python: QEpy (M. Pavanello)
- Seminar 3: Composite Methods, Fragmentation and Embedding (L. Visscher)
- Lecture/Tutorial 6: Embedding in Quantum ESPRESSO (M. Pavanello)
School Photos
In addition to the institutional sponsors of the Q-MS center and the NSF CSSI program, the Q-MS School 2021 was partially sponsored by the Psi-k Charity (http://psi-k.net).